Stress is a Stress

The source of our stress is knowing that we are stressed.

Why are we constantly living in a world of stress?

Because there is a lot around us. There is constant stimulation in the external world.

Things “needing” our attention.

And, knowing that there are things that need our attention creates stress.

Knowing that we have more unfinished tasks than time creates stress.

That stress creates more stress.

Aka stress compounds.

Imagine I had no responsibilities.

Now the only responsibility that I have is to complete a write-up.

There is not just one source of stress.

There are two.

I not only have to write.

But, I am also consciously thinking about the fact that I must write the paper.

So there is the cause of stress (task) plus the thought of stress (thought itself).

Both create stress.

So, what’s one solution I have learned and tried to implement?

My brain is for thinking not for storing.

When ideas strike, write it down.

Today– my index card has 11 things on it (too much, I know).

But, I am always the person that stores things in my head. And this creates more stress.

So I just write it down to clear my mind and just think about the one task.

Bottom-line? Stress compounds. We want to limit how much we think about stress. Limit our stress to the actual work. The source of the stress. Thinking about it does no good.

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