Reminiscing About The Past

Find something that lets you reminisce about the past and remember how far you have come.

For me that thing is running.

Whenever I come back home, I like to go for a run.

I used to run a lot in high school. Cross country. Track and field. Recreationally.

I vividly remember the school bell ringing at 2:19pm and getting to practice by 2:35 pm.

We used to do speed workouts 3 days a week and distance runs twice a week.

Those distance runs would be across many neighborhoods.

But, we would always make a stop at a local coffee shop to stretch.

Running through the coffee shop sitting area always makes me remember those fun conversations and how easy life used to be.

Almost stress free. But definitely did not feel that way going through it. Easy to say looking back.

But, every year I run through there, I always think back to those times. And how much things have changed in my life.

It makes me grateful for the effort and consistency. That I have showed up day in and day out trying to improve my skills.

And, slowly things compound. At that time, I did not fully understand where I would be 4-5 years later.

And, I’m sure the same is the case now.

But, that’s the beauty of it.

Small moments like these allow me to cherish time. And consistent improvement.

We all overestimate what we can do in 1 week or month. But, then underestimate how much change really happens over the course of a few years.

Moments like this help.

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